Monday, 18 April 2011

Fancy Dress Party? Absolutely!! :-P

Hey hey hey ladies!!

I've been away for a long while, but I think I'm back now. So having been to several fancy dress parties recently, I thought I'd kick off with this happy post on fancy dress attire. I wrote it some time ago so enjoy.


Does the thought of fancy dress make you wanna hurl? Well never fear because EBAY is heeere! If you want to be a typical curvaceous girl and go as a doughnut, be my guest, but if you're ready to get your sexiness on, here's some tips to help you on your way.

Rule No.1:
DO make the most of your best assets. My sister has AHmazing bangers but she's not so happy with her legs. Bust out the breasticules, and opt for a slightly longer skirt, wack on some heels and get out there! I love my legs so I whip those out at every opportunity. Add heels and if a little bit of butt peeks out, meh, people can looky looky, as long as they no touchy touchy ;-). Oh and ladies, for goodness sake jump on the corset bandwagon. EVERYBODY can appreciate a bit of good corsetry.
(Costume suggestions include; Minnie Mouse, Snow White /Snow Black ;-), french maid etc etc.)

Rule No. 2:
DO be realistic. Accept that once you get above a size 12 at the most, it's not necessarily going to be flattering for you to go out in a bra and pants, stick on some bunny ears and a tail and say "I am a Playboy bunny." I know that quite frankly, all the will in the world, alongside all the confidence there is, will do nothing to change that I would feel, and LOOK like a complete blob. Don't do it. Instead. Dress smart. By all means bust out those bunny ears but buy, from H&M, some simple black leggings and a fitted black vest and team with heels. You look good, you feel good.

Rule No.3:
DON'T pay extortionate amounts for your costume attire. Get yourself, as previously mentioned, onto the Ebay website and fancy dress shop til you drop. Do not be fooled. Many costumes go up to at least a size 22-24 and some Ebay stores devote themselves to selling costumes for larger sizes still at reasonable prices. Also be AWARE that most sellers are selling the same thing and yet will be charging different prices so don't be tempted to buy the first costume that you see, in the style that you like. Alternatively, if it's not viable for whatever reason, to collect your own costumes, don't be a bum and go as yourself, HIRE a costume!! My Dad has had some HIDEOUS ones.

Rule No. 4:
DON'T rule out making your own! I happen to know an amazing girl, who can make costumes out of whatever you hand to her. If you're a dab hand at sewing, even better!

Rule No. 5:
JUST. BE. YOU. Don't under any circumstances feel inadequate because you were the only one in your circle of friends who couldn't let out the tummy. You can be just as confident and as sexy as they are; and hey, that belief in your own gorgeousness might have you being the centre of attention anyway... ;-)

Rule No. 6:
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!! go home with a stranger that night. All I'm thinkin' is WALK OF SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME! It's obvious enough when you're caught teetering along in a little black dress and heels, so in a french maid costume? Yeah. Enough said.

Rule No.7:
DO take LOADS of photos of the event. I didn't and regretted it.

So all that's left to say is, have loads and loads of fun. Laugh your head off and have a wicked time and forget about being self conscious, simply because You Are Gorgeous! ;-)

Hugs and Kisses

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